Distributor Profile

Linda Schaumleffel

Victoria, British Columbia


Zip/Postal Code: V9A 5A7

Phone: (250) 920-4005

Website Url: https://nordicpolewalkingvictoria.ca/

About Us

TURN WALKING INTO AWESOME by adding Nordixx poles to "push off" like you do in cross-country skiing.  

TO PURCHASE POLES: click on SHOP NOW and navigate to Nordic TRAVELER poles.  This model fits into a suitcase.  You are going to LOVE the "glove straps" that are key in making pole walking effective and comfortable.  While shopping, add 2-3 pairs of rubber boot tips.  One pair comes with the poles, and they do wear out.  The poles will be shipped to you promptly.

TO SET UP POLES CORRECTLY: go to https://nordicpolewalkingvictoria.ca and click on HOW TO... where I have a video to show you how to set up the poles. 

NEED HELP?  Email me at Linda4success@shaw.ca

LEARN MORE:  https://nordicpolewalkingvictoria.ca 

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